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接吻吧,不为媒体 -DVD中字




 《Kiss, not for the media》 introduce

"Kiss, Not for the Media" tells the romantic love story of a young man and woman. A beautiful and kind flight attendant fell in love with an"ordinary person" living in St. Petersburg during a flight, but what she didn't know was that this"ordinary person" could speak fluent German, was a judo expert, and had a considerable political status.A Russian movie DVD based on the story of President Putin and Russian First Lady Lyudmila was released on Valentine's Day. The male and female protagonists in the movie love each other deeply and also love their country. The male protagonist in the movie is portrayed as a caring husband and a loving father.The movie"The Kiss is Off the Record" was released in Russia on February 5th, and its DVD was fully released on Valentine's Day on February 14th. It is not surprising to release such a movie on the eve of the Russian presidential election, as the Kremlin has been striving to enhance Putin's positive image since 2000.Showcasing Putin's gentle sideAccording to reports, the protagonist of the movie"Kiss, Not for the Media" shares many similarities with Putin, but the producer insists that the character design is based on a"collective image" rather than Putin himself."Today, we take pride in our leader, why not create a hero like him?"In public, people see a strong Putin, but in this movie, people see Putin's gentle side. In the movie, Putin is a caring husband and a loving father.Over the past 8 years, the Kremlin has been working hard to enhance Putin's positive image, with a steadfast and strong Russian leader appearing in public. People see Putin piloting fighter jets on television, but little is known about his private life. In reality, Putin says more to his pet dog than to his family, and his daughter rarely shows up.Russian First Lady Lyudmila rarely appears, rarely travels with Putin, and even feels uneasy in front of a camera. But everything changed in the movie. Putin's daughter is outstanding, and his wife Lyudmila is the focus.The story mentions that"Lyudmila" was injured in a car accident, and"Putin" accompanied her and helped her walk again. In the play, there is also a cozy scene in the bedroom. While Lyudmila is lost in thought, Putin comes back to comfort her with a bouquet of flowers and a cane that took several hours to find. After watching, the audience's impression of Putin changed.The movie lead and Putin have similar experiencesThe protagonist Alexander Pratov's background in the movie is also similar to Putin's: he pursued his girlfriend as a flight attendant in St. Petersburg, and was transferred to East Germany with her during the Cold War. Later, he returned to St. Petersburg for a brief stay and soon arrived in the capital Moscow, embarking on the peak of his political career.It's just that Alexander Pratov has more hair than Putin, but his hairstyle is the same. From the promotional posters of the movie, Alexander Pratov bears a striking resemblance to Russian President Putin.The movie"Kiss, Not for the Media" was filmed between 2002 and 2003, but was released on Valentine's Day on February 14th this year, 17 days ahead of the Russian general election on March 2nd. The presidential candidate, the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Medvedev, has received support from Putin. President Putin will leave office in May this year, and there are reports that Putin may accept Medvedev's suggestion to become the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.Russia will hold presidential elections on March 2, 2008. In addition to Medvedev, Andrei Pogdanov, Chairman of the Russian Democratic Party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Chairman of the Russian Free Democratic Party, and Gennady Juganov, Chairman of the Russian Communist Party will also run for the presidency of the country.A 30-year-old Russian businessman, Dennis Fatelev, said after watching the movie that he likes it, but if it is beneficial to Putin, he does not agree with this view. He thinks it is too late. He said,"We are more interested in Medvedev now."

 《接吻吧,不為媒體》 繁體簡介

《接吻吧,不為媒體》講述的是一對青年男女的浪漫愛情故事。 一個美麗善良的空姐在一次飛行途中愛上了一個居住在聖彼德堡的“普通人”,但她不知道的是,這個“普通人”能講一口流利的德語,是柔道專家,還具有相當高的政治地位。俄羅斯一部取材於總統普京與俄羅斯第一夫人柳德米拉故事的電影DVD在情人節推出,電影中的男女主角彼此深愛對方,也熱愛國家。 電影中的男主角被刻畫成一比特體貼的丈夫和慈愛的父親。這部名為《接吻吧,不為媒體》(The Kiss is Off the Record)的電影於2月5日在俄羅斯上映,該片的DVD在2月14日情人節當天全面發行。 在俄羅斯總統選舉前夕推出這樣一部電影並不足為奇,克里姆林宮從2000年開始就一直在努力提升普京的正面形象。展現普京溫柔一面據報導,電影《接吻吧,不為媒體》的主角和普京有很多共同之處,但製作人堅稱這角色造型是源自“集體形象”,而非普京其人,“今天我們將我們的領袖引以為榮,塑造像他一樣的英雄人物有何不可?”在公眾場合人們看到的是一比特剛強的普京,在這部電影裏人們卻看到普京溫柔的一面。 在電影裏“普京”是一比特體貼的丈夫和慈愛的父親。過去的8年,克里姆林宮一直在努力提升普京的正面形象,出現在公眾面前的是一比特堅定剛強的俄羅斯領導人。 人們在電視上看到普京駕駛戰鬥機,但是他的私生活卻鮮為人知。 現實中普京對他家的寵物狗說的話比對家人說的話還多,他的女兒很少露面。俄羅斯第一夫人柳德米拉很少露面,很少與普京一起旅行,柳德米拉甚至在照相機面前仍會感到不安。 但是在電影裏這一切都改變了。 普京的女兒很突出,妻子柳德米拉是焦點。故事提到“柳德米拉”出車禍受傷,“普京”陪伴左右,幫助她再次走路。 戲中還有睡房溫馨的一幕,“柳德米拉”正胡思亂想時,“普京”手捧一束鮮花和一根花了數小時找到的拐杖回來安慰她。 觀眾看後,都對普京的印象發生改變。電影主演與普京經歷相似電影男主角亞曆山大·普拉托夫的身世也與普京相似:在聖彼德堡追求任職空姐的女友,冷戰時與她一起調往東德,其後回到聖彼德堡短暫逗留,不久便到了首都莫斯科,踏上政治生涯的高峰。只是亞曆山大·普拉托夫頭髮比普京多一些,但是髮型都是一樣的。 從電影宣傳海報上看,亞曆山大·普拉托夫與俄羅斯總統普京很相似。電影《接吻吧,不為媒體》是在2002年至2003年間拍攝的,但是在今年2月14日情人節推出,比3月2日的俄羅斯大選提前了17天。 總統候選人俄羅斯聯邦政府第一副總理梅德韋傑夫得到普京的支持,普京總統將於今年5月離任,有報導稱普京有可能接受梅德韋傑夫的建議出任俄羅斯聯邦政府總理。俄羅斯將於2008年3月2日舉行總統選舉。 除梅德韋傑夫外,俄羅斯民主黨主席安德烈·波格丹諾夫、俄羅斯自由民主黨主席弗拉基米爾·日裏諾夫斯基、俄羅斯共產黨主席根納季·久加諾夫也將競選國家總統。俄羅斯一名30歲的商人丹尼斯·法捷列夫在觀看電影後表示,他喜歡這部電影,但是如果說這部電影對普京有利,他不同意這種看法,他認為這太晚了。 他說:“我們現在對梅德韋傑夫更有興趣。”


公元 2008年,由  Elena Isaeva 等老师负责剧本编写, Olga Zhulina导演负责制作, 安德烈·帕宁,达里亚·米哈伊洛娃,Alisa Bogart,Igor Lagutin,罗莎·梁赞诺娃 等明星实力参演的 剧情片《接吻吧,不为媒体》, 此影片于2008-02-01上映, 更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮在线观看!网飞TV祝您观影愉快!

网飞TV影视于 2021-12-03 10:26:55整理收录此片,并在 2023-11-29 23:33:16再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《接吻吧,不为媒体》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:接吻吧,不为媒体接吻吧,不为媒体在线观看接吻吧,不为媒体免费观看接吻吧,不为媒体百度云接吻吧,不为媒体下载 等。



  • 1、请问电影《接吻吧,不为媒体》什么时候上映?

    网飞TV 影迷: 电影《接吻吧,不为媒体》于2008年在俄罗斯上映 ,具体的上映日期为2008-02-01。

  • 2、请问哪个网站可以免费在线观看《接吻吧,不为媒体》?

    奈飞中文 网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:《接吻吧,不为媒体》免费在线观看,就可以找到免费播放资源了。手机免费看接吻吧,不为媒体免费网址:https://www.wangfei.io/voddetail/127796.html这个网站免费无广告。 这个网站资源相对比较多,如果观看不了或者更新不及时只需要【切换线路即可】

  • 3、请问《接吻吧,不为媒体》什么类型的电影?

    时代TV 网友:《接吻吧,不为媒体》是2008年俄罗斯制作的剧情片,剧情类电影。

  • 4、请问谁有《接吻吧,不为媒体》高清无删减版资源

    美团电影 网友:网飞TV提供《接吻吧,不为媒体》高清无删减版在线播放,这个网站高清无广告!截止到2023-11-29 23:33:16,网飞TV提供的《接吻吧,不为媒体》已经更新到 DVD 画质。

  • 5、电影《接吻吧,不为媒体》演员都有哪些?

    哈哈影视 网友:接吻吧,不为媒体有以下主演:安德烈·帕宁,达里亚·米哈伊洛娃,Alisa Bogart,Igor Lagutin,罗莎·梁赞诺娃

  • 6、电影《接吻吧,不为媒体》评价怎么样?


  • 7、电影《接吻吧,不为媒体》Neflix影评

    Ne tflix电影最佳影评:我感觉《接吻吧,不为媒体》还不错的, Olga Zhulina导演设计了很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 安德烈·帕宁,达里亚·米哈伊洛娃,Alisa Bogart,Igor Lagutin,罗莎·梁赞诺娃等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。



